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Started by monkey56657, April 20, 2007, 04:18:41 AM



Signed up as asked my Will. Not a lot around to reply to atm.  :'(

btw I think you shouldn't hide the forum sections from people not logged in. This also means google cant come in and index ure content.

Jon - Monkey56657


Oh yeh, didn't notice that- what with the only links I made to the forum the register and login links I wouldn't think anyone would try to see the forum as a guest. Turned on guest viewing now though- thanks for that.

Oh yeh Jon, in the little agreement bit I said it'd be nicer if you use a name instead of a crazy name with numbers and stuff. You can change your name in the profile section- unless of course you're adamant on keeping the monkeynumber name.
FergalPlace: It's like MySpace except you're not allowed to be my friend.


just thought id say a quick hello before i got out on the town hehe  ;D
As promised ive signed up to your forum will! your sites really good, and the gig u played the other nite was AWSOME! lol  ;) (so mindblowing id say nearly orgasmic lol!)

anyways BYE!

Sam Burnside

new forums looking good keep up the good work, i've made a couple of topics now which may spark some intrest.


Siiiiife brougham.
Enter Shikari lover