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Firstly, please make sure you give your real e-mail address, you will be sent an e-mail to activate your forum account. If you want you can hide your e-mail address from others. Also, please note that if you don't activate your account by checking your e-mail and using the activation link within 24 hours your account will be deleted and you will have to fill out this form again.

Before joining The Codes Forum I'd like you to agree to some reasonable terms first.

-Don't do anything illegal on this forum.

-Do not post messages that are excessively abusive towards anyone when using this forum. This isn't a place to bitch.

-Please try to post your topics in the appropriate section of the forum.

-I'd really like it if you sign up with a name that your friends know you as in real life. It makes it easier to recognise people, and also makes this forum more personal.
Avoid names with stupid punctuation, symbols and numbers.

-Generally think before you post.

Thank you very much.