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the arctic monkeys new album

Started by Conor, April 24, 2007, 12:18:39 PM


I just don't think they have done something at all different, there first album was awesome, but having just been recently listening to there new album its seem like a trashy re make of the one before it


What's the album cover on this one then?
FergalPlace: It's like MySpace except you're not allowed to be my friend.


its a great album. What i have been impressed with the monkeys though is the number they did on the radio 1 live lounge album. It was a real change to wat i normally hear from them and i love it. Wat u guys think? chris


Quoteits a great album. What i have been impressed with the monkeys though is the number they did on the radio 1 live lounge album. It was a real change to wat i normally hear from them and i love it. Wat u guys think? chris

As you said with shikari Smallo they are just a "myspace" band, put that in your toaster and toast it.
Enter Shikari lover


yea but warner thats the difference between me and u!!!! I listen to decent tunes like artics, thin lizzy and leddy z whilst u listen to iron maiden! say no more toaster boy. lol. chris


i loved the arctics 1st album, but i just cant get into the new1, don't u think the tunes a rather similar 2 the 1's of the 1st


Quoteyea but warner thats the difference between me and u!!!! I listen to decent tunes like artics, thin lizzy and leddy z whilst u listen to iron maiden! say no more toaster boy. lol. chris

smallo you noob. iron maiden are awesome.



artic monkeys!!! are fit!!! and awesome!!!


Iron maiden, i think are shit! I agree Connor, but im sure when people read this they're gna have a few things to say. xx
xx Lobster xx


Shit.. why did i think it was connor that said that? It was casey haha lol! whore xx
xx Lobster xx


QuoteWhat's the album cover on this one then?

When we laugh indoors the blissful tones bounce off the walls.


Ah now that's a bit nicer now isn't it
FergalPlace: It's like MySpace except you're not allowed to be my friend.


Enter Shikari rape them all......end of discussion.
Enter Shikari lover


a band have 2 cum up with a new sound on der 2nd album or sumthin dat sets it apart from the 1st


Which Arctic Monkeys clearly did NOT do! .. In my oppinion anyway xx
xx Lobster xx


If everyone loves the music that they made on their first album, and they still love making music like that, what's wrong with carrying on?
They're never going to make an album that everyone loves, simply because no-one can...
But at least they've stuck with what they like and know their loyal fans will like.
Fair play to them.
I'm with the band...


the thing is gwen, yeah the 1st album was great but when the 2nd is virtually the same it takes the sting out of it, yeah its ok but if bands or members of bands produced the same thing over and over again where would be the excitment and enjoyment. Like lets use a modern band like bloc party, there 2nd album is a bit different to there 1st and its a breath of fresh air. If the beatles produced the same songs over and over again do u think they would be so known and respected worldwide?


i agree conor..
the great bands didnt get where they are today by releasing the same album over and over again- but lets face it, arctic monkeys were never going to be the beatles.
its fair enough to say that they should be releasing new, better, more exciting stuff, but at the same time, the stuff they had before was loved and (because, to be honest, its probably all they really care about) made them money, fair play to them for bringing out more music that they know people like rather than taking a risk and producing exciting stuff that there is a risk people wont like...
I'm with the band...


Oh, the Arctics.

The first album bored me to the point of tears.

The second has one song on that is ok. Therefore it is 100% better than the first, but still rubbish.
Quote from: FergalI need to go out and have some anecdotes...


We apperceive it but warner thats the aberration amid me and u!!!! I accept to appropriate tunes like artics, attenuate lizzy and leddy z whilst u accept to adamant maiden! say no added toaster boy.
